Environmental Studies Courses: Fall 2023

Environmental Studies

ENS 201: Introduction to Environmental Science

3 Credit Hour(s)

Fulfills core competency: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. A survey of ecological principles, human modifications of environment, population dynamics, environmental pollutants and the effects on ecological systems. Intended for non-science majors, cannot be used for major credit for science majors. (UG)

ENS 205: Planet Earth I: Physical Features

3 Credit Hour(s)

Cross-listed as NSC 205. An introduction to physical aspects of geology, hydrology, the atmosphere and oceanography of the Earth and the application of these principles from a scientific perspective to land use and planning. Cannot receive credit for both ESC 107 and ENS/NSC 205. (UG)

ENS 211: Environmental and Energy Policies I

3 Credit Hour(s)

Cross-listed as PSC 211. A survey of major environmental and energy policies and the intergovernmental administrative system established to implement them. Topics include a history of the environmental movement, green politics, international environmental issues and the contrasts between scientific and political decision-making. If taken as ENS 211, this course cannot be used as a science elective. (UG)

ENS 212: Environmental and Energy Policies II

3 Credit Hour(s)

A continuation of ENS/PSC 211. Prerequisite: PSC/ENS 211. (UG)

ENS 219: Politics, Planning and Land Use

3 Credit Hour(s)

Cross-listed as PSC 219. Principles and practice of land management policies at the state and local levels of government. Topics include zoning power of local government, preparation of master plans, variance procedures, federal mandates and Environmental Impact Statements. (UG)

ENS 303: Environmental Toxicology

3 Credit Hour(s)

Cross-listed as NSC 303. Fulfills core competency: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. An examination of different types of toxins, their routes into organisms, environmental fates and roles in metabolic pathways. Applications to environmental and occupational health as well as detection and risk assessment are included. Prerequisites: BIO 109 and BIO 110/L and CHE 110/L. (UG)

ENS 304: Environmental Chemistry

3 Credit Hour(s)

An examination of the chemical aspects of pollution (water, air and land) including detection and remediation methods. Chemistry for the sustainable use of natural resources is discussed. Prerequisite: CHE 110. (UG)

ENS 304L: Environmental Chemistry Lab

1 Credit Hour(s)

Employs the practical application of chemical analysis for detection and remediation methods of pollution in water, air and land. The chemistry of some alternative energy sources are also explored. Corequisite: ENS 304. (UG)

ENS 305: Limnology

3 Credit Hour(s)

Human life depends on a close interaction with available freshwater. However, with increasing human interaction often comes an increase in health risks due to mistreated water sources. This course covers the biological, chemical and physical properties of lakes, rivers, and wetlands as aquatic habitats and how these different habitats interact with human society. We will further discuss common health risks, such as water-borne diseases and an altered capacity to provide food and cultural services. Prerequisites: BIO 110 (UG)

ENS 310: Global Water Issues

3 Credit Hour(s)

Cross-listed as SUST 310. Fulfills core competencies: Information Literacy; Contextual Integration. This course investigates the environmental, technological and health-related issues associated with the availability and quality of water worldwide. Case studies of global water problems will incorporate the role of socioeconomic and political issues. Prerequisite: BIO 100 or BIO 110 or ENS 201, or Permission of Instructor. (UG)