Criminal Justice Courses: Fall 2024

Criminal Justice

CRJ 100: Introduction to Criminology

3 Credit Hour(s)

This course provides a general introduction to the study of crime and criminality. Our main focus is to introduce the major criminological theories and how these theories of crime participation are related to the policies and operation of the criminal justice system. Crime measurement, patterns and trends in crime, and crime types are discussed within this context. (UG)

CRJ 200: Policing and the American Correctional System

3 Credit Hour(s)

This course will cover the basic organizational structure of police organization, including the chain of command that is vital to understanding the police organization, culture, and intradepartmental communication (or lack thereof). It will also focus on the current climate of policing and criminal justice, the major issues in policing today and information needed to understand the challenges of effective and modern policing practices in our diverse society. (UG)

CRJ 300: Criminal Justice Theory and Practice

3 Credit Hour(s)

This course examines a wide range of ethical issues in the field of criminal justice through a discussion of the various philosophical approaches to ethical decision-making. Topics covered include the use of harm to prevent harm; the use of discretionary decision-making; prediction problems; and ethical dilemmas faced by front police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, corrections officers, etc. in the course of their daily duties. (UG)

CRJ 400: Senior Capstone Project

3 Credit Hour(s)

Course description (General Education Program): Every student pursuing a major in Criminal Justice must complete the senior capstone project. This class fulfills the capstone course requirement in the major and the university-wide Research Presentation (R&P) requirement. Students will be required to complete a 15-20 page research project consistent with the expectations of their major. In the event of a dual degree program (CRJ and Political Science or CRJ and Psychology) the research should reflect multidisciplinary training in both subjects and CRJ 445 may be taken as cross-listed HP 445 (History and Political Science Senior Thesis) or PSY 444 (Senior Thesis). (UG)