Leadership and Innovation Courses: Fall 2024
Leadership and Innovation
LEAD 500: Organizational Leadership and Self Development
3 Credit Hour(s)
Drawing on material from various social science disciplines, this foundational course integrates research and self-assessment with the evolving study of leadership. We begin with a historical review of leadership theory, research, and multiple leadership models noting their associated strengths and weaknesses. Students explore the relationship between personality preferences, assumptions, and the behaviors of socially responsible leaders. Topics include theories of group development, motivation, power, authority, disclosure, and feedback. Additional topics include metacognition, self, group, and systems awareness, diversity of style, and perspective. The leadership approaches studied include transactional and transformational models; path-goal, contingency, and trait approaches; situational, contingent, values-based, servant, and inclusive leadership as well a social change model. Approaches include diagnostic instruments, role-plays, group work, and case studies. Students create a vision and mission statement with defined goals and personal learning objectives. The leadership portfolio is introduced. Prerequisite: Leadership and Innovation Majors, MBA Majors only, or permission of instructor. (GR)
LEAD 501: Critical Thinking, Creative Problem Solving, and Decision Making: Methods of Organization Research
3 Credit Hour(s)
The main goal of this course is to provide students with balanced, differentiated thinking skills, and facilitation tools necessary for effective problem solving and decision-making. The course is based on the Osborn-Parnes model of creative problem solving and decision-making which originated in Buffalo and unites a firm understanding of various problem solving methodologies with deliberate creative and critical thinking skills. The course includes the study of the inquiry process appropriate to investigation of organizational climate and group behavior. Topics include divergent, convergent, and systems thinking, group process facilitation, methods of collecting and processing information, clarifying core issues, weighing multiple potential solutions, and developing and implementing an action plan. The organizational processes and skills practiced include identifying complex challenges, data collection, ideation, forecasting, decision-making under uncertainty, and communicating or implementing results. Teaching methods include lecture, experiential activities, case studies, and projects. Also, scientific ways of knowing will be contrasted with more intuitively based decision-making processes, demonstrating the importance of both, when making personal and organizational leadership decisions. During this course, students will be encouraged to apply methodologies to their own experiences, and will engage in facilitation projects designed to allow them to use various methods to aid in the discovery of their own leadership decision-making processes. Prerequisite: LEAD 500, Leadership and Innovation Majors and MBA Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 502: Leadership and Organizational Ethics, Values and Social Environment
3 Credit Hour(s)
Effective leadership encompasses the ability to understand, rationalize, and apply ethical principles in the decision making process. This course focuses on the influence of sound moral reasoning in achieving appropriate parameters of conduct that benefits the individual, the institution, as well as the larger community. Class lectures are forged around a participatory process wherein each student is required to present an in depth analysis of ethical issues common in everyday activities. Through the use of selective material and reading, core ethical dilemmas are explored for the purpose of assisting the student in recognizing the pervasiveness of ethics in our quest for effective leadership. Prerequisite: Majors only or by permission of instructor. (GR)
LEAD 513: Developing Leadership Skills: One-on- One Leadership, Conflict Management, and Team Building
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course explores challenges and opportunities for effective leadership at three levels - the individual (both self and those being engaged in one-on-one interactions), the group or team, and the organization or system as a whole. Topics include systems thinking, coaching and feedback, the use and application of standardized assessment tools (including a 360 degree instrument), organizational theory, conflict management, emotional intelligence, leadership styles, and team development. The emphasis throughout the course is on the practical application of leadership theories and models; participants are encouraged and supported in making connections with their real worlds of work, past, present, and future. Significant in-class time of the course is used as a learning laboratory to explore various concepts around self and team leadership. This includes collaboratively setting up a self-directing team and delivering a product to a defined customer. The context for the exploration of leadership at the three levels in LEAD 513 reflects the inherent complexity of organizations and organizational life, and the critical role of the leader in the organization's achievement of results and long-term sustainability. Learning methodologies include personal reflection and sharing of experiences, action learning, a written paper and presentation, completion of leadership/learning log, and extensive reading and dialogue. Prerequisite: LEAD 500, 501, Leadership and Innovation Majors, MBA Majors only (GR)
LEAD 514: Leadership and Community: Empowerment, Collaboration, and Dialogue
3 Credit Hour(s)
Students experience a leadership immersion in an organizational setting. Through this experience they gain an appreciation and understanding of the leadership processes of empowerment, collaboration, strategy, and dialogue; this occurs in an organizational context and provides students the experience of understanding the internal and external forces that create change and transform organizations, communities, and systems. Emphasis is given to understanding the processes of leadership focusing on individual and group development, social capital, strategy, organizational mission, vision, and values, structures of collaboration, problem solving, and dialogue. For this course, the student will work individually to become knowledgeable about an agency, business, or community group (identified below as practice setting). The student will apply action research methods to become knowledgeable about the practice setting. By spending time with various leaders within the practice setting, the student will become increasingly sensitive to the culture of the practice setting. In collaboration with their organizational host, the student will identify a goal/problem within the practice setting and develop a mini-project. Drawing on foundational theories relating to organizational behavior, leadership style, decision-making, and problem solving, the student will become familiar with the communication and decision making mechanisms already in place within the practice setting to develop and/or enhance the organization's competitive advantage. The remainder of the course will be spent on activating appropriate resources to meet mutually agreed upon goals. Upon completion of this course, students will be well prepared based on best practices and theoretical leadership knowledge acquired in the program to undertake leadership roles/positions in various organizations, agencies, communities, businesses/international corporations, or Non-Governmental Organizations. Prerequisite: Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 515: The Business of Leadership: Financial, Organizational and Cultural
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course examines financial administrative tools and leadership techniques as they apply to a variety of organizations. Financial accounting and financial reporting concepts are introduced as important analysis and planning tools. The course covers the basic financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and notes to financial statements. Analytical procedures, budgeting cost concepts, and ratio analysis are also examined to evaluate profitability, liquidity, and solvency of organizations in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. An additional component of the course addresses the changing nature of the marketplace and explores the implications and ramifications for leadership. Cultural considerations are woven through the managerial topics of planning and organizing for domestic and global organizations. This course includes common business processes and skills, such as innovative problem solving, negotiation, and effective presentations. Teaching methods include role-plays, discussions, case studies, readings, statistical analysis and financial modeling. Prerequisites: Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 525: Leadership in Higher Education
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course offers a critical examination of leadership within the context of 21st century higher education, with a focus on trends, issues, challenges, and competencies influencing the effective practice of leadership in local, regional, and U.S. colleges and universities. Beginning with a brief history and theoretical foundation of higher education in the United States, the course further explores leadership models and approaches, as well as content in a variety of topic areas related to the leadership and management of higher education institutions including: Organizational administration and governance; finance; strategic planning; community and government relations; student affairs; ethics; and diversity. The course is presented in seminar format and involves a variety of written, online, and oral assignments, as well as classroom activities. These include individual and group work, presentations, discussions, lecture, and guest speakers. For the final project, students develop a leadership plan for the effective administration and management of a college/ university division or department. Prerequisite: Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 526: Leadership in Business
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on synthesizing the study of ethical and creative leadership into the context of business organizations. The course encourages examination of the leadership demands specific to the business environment as well as personal application of these concepts. Common business processes and skills studied include financial statement analysis, segment analysis, strategic business units, balanced scorecard, budgeting, enterprise resource planning, and acquisition analysis. Demonstrated application of these approaches will be assessed through a strategic business and leadership plan. Special attention is given to the legal and ethical context in the practice of interviewing, selecting, training, promoting, and terminating employees. Teaching methods include lecture, experiential activites, case studies, research, and projects that illuminate the different and often-conflicting factors involved in incorporating financial data in visionary decision-making. Prerequisite: Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 527: Leadership in Social Impact Organizations Specialization
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course expands on the student's understanding of Leadership Theory by applying the theories within the context of Social Impact organizations. Students have the opportunity to learn about the unique aspects of leadership within the social impact sector through guest speakers from the sector. The course engages students in the exploration of complex system issues of social impact organizations such as the role and impact of the Board of Directors, budgetary constraints, and the impact of governmental regulation and funding guidelines. Students are challenged to study these complex issues within the context of the over-arching responsibility of the social impact leader to deliver on the organizational mission while maintaining fiscal viability and sustainability. The course also explores the theory and practice of community-based change. Within this exploration, students consider the level of community engagement necessary for a successful change strategy, the decision-making processes that ensure buy-in and engagement, and the strategies to ensure that the different priorities of various stakeholders are considered in the final decision. Teaching methods include: Lecture; guest speaker presentations; case studies; interviews with non-profit leaders, and small group projects. Prerequisites: Majors and +Plus Pathways: Community Development and Community Health Promotion. (GR)
LEAD 528: Leadership in Health Care Organizations
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on the integration of new knowledge, professional leadership practices, critical thinking, and experiential reflection to promote an understanding of the role of leadership in healthcare environments. This course also focuses on the integration of course content from preceding LEAD courses. It promotes discussions of leadership challenges in healthcare and the implementation of evidence-based approaches to developing leadership capacity. The course explores leadership theories, and competencies that promote authentic behavior at all leadership levels. Emphasis is placed on the unique, complex systems within healthcare, and those forces (both internal and external) that impact the decisions of healthcare leaders. The course examines healthy work environments, labor/management relationships, risk management practices, budgetary analysis, regulatory influences, and diversity in the workplace. The course is designed for students preparing to assume the role and duties of a leader, manager, supervisor, officer, or governing board member of a healthcare organization. Teaching methods include lecture, case studies, discourse on current events, special projects, and presentations. Prerequisite: Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 529: Transformational Leadership and Organizational Change
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course examines, in both theoretical and practical terms, the process of organizational change and the critical role that effective self-leadership plays in successfully orchestrating organizational change and in delivering the results required for long-term sustainability. Change is examined at three levels - from the perspective of the individual leader, the impact of change on groups, as well as on the organization. Topics include the organization as a system, patterns of relationships in a hierarchical organization, how individuals create reality through personal frames of reference, Appreciative Inquiry, resistance to change, change as transition, transformational leadership, the change leader's habits and tactics, and change as a structured process. Throughout the course the participants are encouraged to translate the course content to their work experience, both past and future, and to bring their work experience to the course. Learning methodologies include personal reflection and sharing of experiences, case studies, a written project and presentation, completion of leadership/learning log, and extensive reading and dialogue. Prerequisite: Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 530: Modeling, Branding and Marketing Your Leadership
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on the individual as a leader and helps build understanding of the value the individual leader brings to their professional and personal arenas including how the leader is perceived by stakeholders and customers. Students examine the key elements of positioning, branding, and marketing as well as the economic and motivational drivers in markets. Students refine their vision and mission statements and explore their uniqueness as leaders. They determine their market position as leaders and how their value proposition supports effective leadership and can serve as a leadership tool. Students develop their individual leadership brands and models and use the principles and practices of marketing to develop their individual leadership marketing plan. Learning methodologies include action learning, case and article analysis, personal reflection, and presentation. Prerequisite: Majors only.. (GR)
LEAD 540: Research Project/Thesis in Leadership And Innovation I
3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is the first of two courses that focus on research and is a prerequisite to LEAD 541. In this course, students develop a project or thesis through independent study that entails research conducted under the supervision of a faculty member in an area of mutual interest to the student and the faculty member. Student assignments incorporate the collecting and processing of information, statistical inference, risk analysis, qualitative methodologies, and information technology. The course affords an opportunity to study a specific organizational problem or to institute an organizational change. In the second course, LEAD 541, students will complete their project or thesis. Both courses afford students an opportunity to study and approach a specific organizational problem, or to institute an organizational change. Both courses are offered in seminar fashion with an opportunity to explore project/thesis topics, and to examine practical and timely leadership issues. Prerequisite: Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 541: Research Project/Thesis in Leadership And Innovation II
3 Credit Hour(s)
The second section of the research project/thesis consists of completing the thesis. Research support includes collecting and processing information, statistical inference, risk analysis, and information technology. The course affords an opportunity to study and approach a specific organizational problem or to institute an organizational change. While it is expected that LEAD 541 will be completed within the term of enrollment, the course automatically extends one semester to allow completion of the project/thesis. Prerequisite: LEAD 540. (GR)
LEAD 545: Research Guidance
1 Credit Hour(s)
This research guidance course is intended for students finishing their research projects or thesis. Guidance will be provided in the final writing and analysis of student's research activity. This course may be taken up to three times for credit. Prerequisites: Prior enrollment in LEAD 540 and LEAD 541. (GR)
LEAD 555: Leadership Applied Across Sectors: Business, Social Impact, and Higher Educ Ation (aka Leadership Applications)
3 Credit Hour(s)
The course will offer a critical examination of leadership within 21st century organizations. It will explore the theory and practice for the demands of leaders and change agents in business, higher education, and social impact organizations. The course will address trends, issues, challenges, and competencies influencing the effective leading of various organizations, developing and maintaining strategy, and implementing new products and services in support of strategy, communication, collaboration, and diversity. Students will use the tools of prior courses as well as new tools taught in this course to transform their research into a product, process, or service via user-centric design to benefit a user or customer. Within this exploration, students will consider the level of customer and user engagement necessary for successful change strategy, the decision-making process that ensures buy-in from users and stakeholders, and the various strategies to ensure all stakeholders are included in the final decision. Teaching methods will include lectures, case study research for each student's specialization, and a small group development program utilizing agile methods and design thinking. (GR)
LEAD 560: Capstone Course in Leadership
3 Credit Hour(s)
This is the concluding integrative course of the leadership program. There are three important components of this capstone experience. First is the finalization and testing of each student's personalized model for their on-going leadership. Secondly, peer evaluation and discussion of the thesis or research projects under the direction of the seminar leader takes place. Finally, students present their leadership portfolio reflecting on their development and growth as a leader of change. The course helps individuals develop a renewed sense of self and learn how to foster the development of self-confidence and leadership competence. Individuals assess their core values and finalize a strategic personal leadership plan including a vision and mission statement, to be included in their leadership portfolio. The course helps participants focus attention on their personal creative potential, as well as that of their colleauges and organization. Students gain an appreciation for and understanding of different strategies and tools that help foster creative and leadership potential in others. Teaching methods include student presentation and simulations. Students will be exposed to the concepts of leadership development, personal growth, leading with soul, managing stress, self-management, and working effectively with others in organizational and personal change. Prerequisite: Majors only. (GR)
LEAD 597: Independent Study in Executive Leadership Studies
1-6 Credit Hour(s)
This independent study entails research conducted under the supervision of a faculty member in an area of mutual interest to the student and faculty member. The course offers an opportunity to study a specific organizational problem or area of interest. Prerequisite: Majors only. (GR)