Teacher Exemplar Rubric

Homework Assignment 4
Part 2: (10 points) J. Arnold
Please construct a teacher exemplar for the task(s) or parallel task(s) you are requiring of students.

Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1

Writing Mechanics
(Weight: .5)

Score: ____
(Out of 2 points)

The writing demonstrates control of the conventions of written English. There are no errors in grammar, syntax, or capitalization that interfere with readability. Any misspellings are trivial.
The writing demonstrates partial control of the conventions of written English. There are one or two errors in grammar, syntax, capitalization, or spelling but they do not interfere with readability.
The writing demonstrates minimal control of the conventions of written English. There are one or two errors in grammar, syntax, capitalization, or spelling that interfere with readability.
The writing demonstrates a lack of control of the conventions of written English. There are three or more errors in grammar, syntax, capitalization, or spelling that interfere with readability.

(Weight: 1.0)


Self: ______

Instructor: ______
(Out of 4 points)

The teacher generated exemplar is clearly aligned to the scoring rubric and the work is clearly at a distinguished level for the target audience.

The teacher generated exemplar is aligned to the scoring rubric and evidence supporting that the work is at a distinguished level for the target audience can be found.

The teacher generated exemplar is aligned to the scoring rubric but some of the supporting evidence indicates that the work is at less than a distinguished level for the target audience.

The teacher generated exemplar is not aligned to the scoring rubric and there is no evidence that the supporting work is at a distinguished level for the target audience.

Organization and layout
Weight: 0.25)


Self: ______

Instructor: ______
(Out of 1 points)

The teacher exemplar is clearly organized and thoughtfully laid out.


The presentation is both professional and student friendly.

The teacher exemplar is organized.


The presentation is both professional and student friendly

The teacher exemplar is organized.


The presentation is either professional or student friendly

The teacher exemplar is not well organized.


The presentation is neither professional nor student friendly