Self-assessment Summary Sheet for Final Presentation

Name: _Sara Barlow__________________
Title of Learning Experience: _Crucible Connections______________
Grade Level: __11th _

Attribute Self-Assessment Instructor Score

PowerPoint Content (50 points)

• Introduction (4 points)
• Overview (4 points)
• Standards (8 points)
• Assessment (8 points)
• Student Work (8 points)
• Modifications (8 points)
• Reflection (10 points)


PowerPoint Mechanics (50 points)

• Page layout (16 points)
• Digital Images (8 points)
• Writing (8 points)
• Extras (8 points)
• Time Frame (10 points)


Presentation – Style (24 points)

• Presence (12 points)
• Flow (12 points)


Presentation – Final Requirements (26 points)

• Hard Copy of PowerPoint (8 points)
• Electronic Copy of PowerPoint (8 points)
• Self-assessment (10 points)
*Using this checklist


Overall Student self-assessment score: _150_/ 150 pts

Instructor's Score: _____/ 150 pts

Presentation Rubric – Content (____/50 Points)

Self Assessment Instructor Score Match

Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1

Introduction and Background
(Weight: 1)
4 points

Presenter provides all of the following information;
• Name (Introduces self)
• Title of LE
• Name of school/district
• Name of cooperating teacher
• Grade level
• Number of students
• General ability of students
• Time frame
Presenter provides all but one or two of the following;
• Name (Introduces self)
• Title of LE
• Name of school/district
• Name of cooperating teacher
• Grade level
• Number of students
• General ability of students
• Time frame
Presenter provides all but three or four of the following;
• Name (Introduces self)
• Title of LE
• Name of school/district
• Name of cooperating teacher
• Grade level
• Number of students
• General ability of students
• Time frame
Presenter provides less than half of the following;
• Name (Introduces self)
• Title of LE
• Name of school/district
• Name of cooperating teacher
• Grade level
• Number of students
• General ability of students
• Time frame
(Weight: 1)
4 points

Thoughtfully developed objectives, essential question(s), enduring understanding(s), guiding question(s), and explanation(s) of the student task(s) all support a clearly stated purpose.

Objectives, essential question(s), enduring understanding(s), guiding question(s), and explanation(s) of the student task(s) all support the stated purpose. An overview of the purpose is given but it is not clear how at least one of the following relates; objectives, essential question(s), enduring understanding(s), guiding question(s), and explanation(s) of the student task(s). The purpose is vague, and it is not clear how at least two of the following relate; objectives, essential question(s), enduring understanding(s), guiding question(s), and explanation(s) of the student task(s).

(Weight: 2)
8 points

Presenter correctly and specifically references and identifies national or state learning standard(s). Presenter correctly identifies a specific national or state learning standard but is missing key reference information. Presenter correctly references national or state learning standards, but provides only a general reference. The presenter mentions the national or state standards, but no other connections are made to the learning experience.
Assessment Tools
(Weight: 2)
8 points
A high quality assessment tool is presented that clearly links the student task(s) to the referenced standard(s). An assessment tool is presented that links the student task(s) to the referenced standard(s). An assessment tool is presented that is related to either the student task(s) or the referenced standard(s). An assessment tool is presented but it is not clear how it relates to the student task(s) and the referenced standard(s).
Student Work
(Weight: 2)
8 points
A teacher exemplar is presented along with scored samples of student work at the distinguished, proficient, and developing levels. A clear rational for each scored paper is provided that is consistent with the scoring criteria. A teacher sample is presented along with scored samples of student work at the distinguished, proficient, and developing levels. A rational for each scored paper is provided that is consistent with the scoring criteria. A teacher sample is presented along with scored samples of student work at the distinguished, proficient, and developing levels. A rational for each scored paper is provided.

Some samples of student work are provided.

(Weight: 2)
8 points
Specific modifications are explained that insightfully address specific student needs. General modifications are explained that address general student needs. General modifications are explained without any rational. General modifications are mentioned but are not explained.

(Weight: 2.5)
10 points

Presenter thanks mid-term peer review group members and highlights the lessons learned resulting from the peer review process. Presenter highlights the lessons learned resulting from the peer review process. Presenter thanks mid-term peer review group members. Presenter makes no mention of having gone through the peer review process.

Presentation Rubric – Mechanics (____/50 Points)

Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Page layout
(Weight: 4)
16 points
All the design elements (text or images) contrast the background and can be easily seen. All but one or two design element (text block or images) contrast the background and can be easily seen. All but three design elements (text block or images) contrast the background and can be easily seen. More than three design elements do not contrast the background and cannot be easily seen.
The minimum point size used on any slide is greater than 28.
The minimum point size used on any slide is greater than 26. The minimum point size used on any slide is greater than 24. The minimum point size used on any slide is greater than 18.
The number of lines of text doesn't exceed 12 for any slide.
The number of lines of text doesn't exceed 12 for any more than two slides. The number of lines of text doesn't exceed 12 for any more than four slides. The number of lines of text exceeds 12 for more than five slides.
The spacing of all the design elements (text and images) is balanced on each slide.
The spacing of the design elements (text and images) is balanced on all but one or two slides. The spacing of the design elements (text and images) is balanced on all but three or four slides. The spacing of the design elements is not balanced on more than five slides.
Digital Images
(Weight: 2)
8 points
The presentation has at least six digital images that are relevant to the presentation. The presentation has at least four digital images at least two are relevant to the presentation. The presentation has at least three digital images and at least one is relevant to the presentation. The presentation has at least two digital images.
(Weight: 2)
8 points
Text information has no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Text information has only one or two minor spelling, grammar and/or punctuation errors that do not interfere with presentation. Text information has at least one spelling, grammar and/or punctuation error that interferes with presentation. Text information has two or more spelling, grammar and/or punctuation errors that interfere with presentation.

(Weight: 3)
12 points

(Sound is optional)

Transitions, animation and sound* enhance the presentation. Transitions, animation and sound* enhance the presentation but may be under or over used. Transitions, animation and sound* do not enhance the presentation. Transitions, animation and sound* distract from the presentation.
Time Frame
(Weight: 2)
8 points
The presentation doesn't exceed the maximum time limit of 12 minutes.
The presentation exceeds the minimum time limit of 8 minutes.
The presentation exceeds 12 minutes by less than a minute.
The presentation does not meet the minimum time limit of 8 minutes but is at least 7 minutes.
The presentation exceeds 12 minutes by less than two minutes.
The presentation does not meet the minimum time limit of 8 minutes but is at least 6 minutes.
The presentation exceeds 12 minutes by more than two minutes.
The presentation does not meet the minimum time limit of 8 minutes but is at least 5 minutes.

Presentation Rubric – Style (____/24 points)

Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1

Eye Contact, Voice, Organization, and Appearance

(Weight: 3)
12 points

The presentation is delivered in a style that interests and informs the audience. The student's voice, eye contact, facial expressions and gestures engage the audience. The student is relaxed and confident and is able to take risks, such as tastefully injecting humor into the presentation. The presentation is delivered in a style that interests or informs the audience. The student's voice, eye contact, facial expressions and gestures enhance the presentation. The student is relaxed and confident for most of the presentation. The student takes risks that generally enhance the presentation. The presentation is delivered in a style that neither interests nor informs the audience. The student's voice, eye contact, facial expressions and gestures do little to enhance the presentation. The student either tense or lacks confidence for some of the presentation. The risks the student takes generally do not enhance the presentation. The presentation is dry – the presentation has no style. The student's voice, eye contact, facial expressions and gestures do not engage the audience. The student is tense and lacks confidence. The student takes no risks.
Ability to use Technology,
Pacing, and Focus,
(Weight: 3)
12 points

The student seamlessly infused technology to enhance their presentation. The student paces and focuses their presentation by judiciously selecting content supporting congruency among objectives, tasks, student work and assessment tools.

The student infused technology into their presentation with only minor problems that did not disrupt the flow nor the pacing of the presentation.
The student had some success using time and resources to support congruency among objectives, tasks, student work and assessment tools, however a few questions were not addressed.
The student attempted to infuse technology into their presentation but had at least one major problem that disrupted the flow and the pacing of the presentation.
The student did not allocate time wisely, or the student selected only a limited amount of content that supported congruency among objectives, tasks, student work and assessment tools.
The student did not infuse any technology into their presentation.
The student neither wisely allocated time, nor selected content that supported congruency among objectives, tasks, student work and assessment tools.

Presentation Rubric – Final Requirements (____/26 points)

Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1

Hard Copy of PowerPoint
(Weight: 2)
8 points

A hard copy of the student's PowerPoint Presentation is submitted to the instructor before the presentation. Each page of the hard copy of the PowerPoint has four slides printed per page. The first page of the PowerPoint has the name of the student, and the title of the learning experience.
A hard copy of the student's PowerPoint presentation is submitted to the instructor the day after the student's presentation. Or
Each page of the hard copy of the PowerPoint has either 2 slide or 4 slides printed per page. Or The first page of the PowerPoint is missing either the name of the student, or the title of the learning experience.
A hard copy of the student's PowerPoint presentation is submitted to the instructor two days after the student's presentation. Or
Each page of the hard copy of the PowerPoint has either 2 slide or 4 slides printed per page. And The first page of the PowerPoint is missing either the name of the student, or the title of the learning experience.
A hard copy of the student's PowerPoint presentation is submitted to the instructor more than two days after the student's presentation. Or
Each page of the hard copy of the PowerPoint has either 1 slide or 6 slides printed per page. Or The first page of the PowerPoint is missing both the name of the student, and the title of the learning experience.
Electronic Copy of PowerPoint
(Weight: 2)
8 points

An electronic copy of the PowerPoint presentation is provided to the instructor on or before the day the student presents.

An electronic copy of the PowerPoint presentation is provided to the instructor on the day after the last day of class. An electronic copy of the PowerPoint presentation is provided to the instructor two days after the last day of class.
An e-mail is sent but an electronic copy of the PowerPoint presentation is not attached or it cannot be opened by the instructor. Or
E-mail is sent three days after the last day of class.

Self Assessment
(Weight: 2.5)
10 points

Each attribute of each of the four rubrics is scored and an overall score is calculated.
You clearly and concisely explain your rational for your score.

Each attribute of each of the four rubrics is scored and an overall score is calculated.

Your rational for your score is not clear.

Each attribute of each of the four rubrics is scored and an overall score is calculated.

Your rational is not fully supported by evidence.

A self-assessment is made, but the rubrics are not complete

No comments are given to support your rational.


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Updated: May 26, 2009
Template © Jeff Arnold & Jane Ross