Environmental Management |
Overview of classroom rules
Preferential Seating
Cooperative Learning
Establishes routine and provides framework for completion of tasks.
Students are closer to teacher/front of the room so that student is closer to instruction and instructional materials.
Students receive support from me, as the teacher, and from peers.
Expectations are set regarding proper classroom behavior.
I can maintain proximity control to maintain order and to give quick feedback.
Students have the opportunity to learn from one another and can clarify ideas. Through cooperative learning students become more independent from the teacher.
Instructional |
Tasks are guided throughout the lessons and are modeled. |
This gives students visual as well as verbal models of what is expected of them.
Students will be able to follow directions, verbally or visually, and will, in turn, be able to stay on task. |
Handouts for homework assignments and notes are provided for the students, such as the comparison chart and the McCarthyism research assignment handout, rubric, and teacher exemplar. |
Students are able to look back at the directions on the assignments to make sure they are doing them correctly and are meeting the requirements. |
Students are less stressed out during class and when they complete homework because they do not have to remember all the teacher directions. They can look at the examples and directions on their handouts. |
Information found from completing the McCarthyism research assignment will be discussed in class and validated by the teacher as well as the information used to fill out the comparison chart.
For the reflection essay, students are given ample time and excessive explanation to guide them through the assignment. |
From these discussions, students are provided with the answers that are expected for the post-assessment, which is the reflection essay.
Time and explanation help the students to feel comfortable and not “under pressure” while writing their essays.
These teacher-guided discussions help the students to internalize and understand the relationship between McCarthyism and The Crucible as well as to relate both of these to contemporary society and their personal lives. Therefore, students should be comfortable answering the questions posed on the summative assessment, and they should perform well.
Students can write their essays confidently, without fear of not understanding or not having enough time.