In order to assess what skills the students already have, each student is given a Pre-Assessment, Appendix D, which will take place before the date of the actual LE. The pre-assessment requires the child to measure various lines with color tiles. Prior to this pre-assessment activity, the students have been exposed to the skills of measuring. However, the students have not been presented with such depth of accuracy and reasoning regarding the measuring process. The students are now asked to explain their answer. The lines of this specific pre-assessment are labeled A-I. The assignment focuses on whether the student possesses the understanding of where to begin and end a measurement. In addition, the pre-assessment provides the teacher with information of whether the students have the background knowledge of ½ of a unit. The teacher looks at the data graph at the bottom of the page to see how many the students answer correctly.
During the modeling and guided practice portion of the learning experience, the students work in pairs at their desks. After the daily discussion regarding accurate measurement techniques and the overhead activity, each student is asked to volunteer to measures the given fish displayed on the overhead using the non-standard unit of color tiles, Appendix G. The teacher does not specifically mention to measure using a ½ of a color tile; the assessment is to see whether the students recognize that the accurate requirement directly relates to the most specific measurement. While the student is measuring the fish on the overhead, the other students watch to see if the volunteer is correct, or if they need assistance. The teacher performs this particular activity to see which students exhibit the need for further explanation and to assess individual measurement techniques. As each fish is measured from the transparency, a data table is kept regarding the measurement of each fish.
The students use their measurement strategies to complete the measurement process on the worksheet, Appendix E. The students work in pairs or individually at their desks; however, each student must complete their own copy of the worksheet to hand in. Each student is given a bag with 10 color tiles and 10 cubes, a Measuring Fish Assessment worksheet (Appendix E), and a pencil. The teacher reads the directions aloud, and reminds the students to be sure to record the most accurate measurement for the fish. This process specifically includes the written explanation of the child’s thought process regarding the measurement of the fish. If the student is able to display the understanding and provide an explanation for the measurement process, it can be assumed that the child thoroughly understands the concept of measurement. After the students have completed the assessment worksheet, the teacher collects the worksheet: Appendix E, and scores the students’ work based on the teacher created rubric “Non-Standard Unit Measuring Rubric.” The rubric will be used to assess the student’s ability to: place the units correctly during measurement, measurement accuracy, unit specifics, and written grammar.
Non-Standard Unit Measurement Rubric
Attribute |
Unit Placement and Accuracy _____/4 |
Lines up tiles one after another and starts measuring at the nose of the fish and stops placing tiles down at the end of the tail in a straight line. |
Starts measuring at the nose of the fish and stops placing tiles down at the end of the tail but lacks a straight line of tiles. |
The units are lined up across the length of the fish but the tiles may not begin or end at the correct location. Gaps are present between the color tiles. |
Placement of tiles during the measurement process may not extend over the entire length of the fish and begin/end incorrectly. Gaps are present. |
Recorded Measurement |
The units are correctly counted to record the length of color tiles in the space provided with labeled units. |
The units are correctly counted but the answer is not labeled with the units, or is labeled incorrectly. |
The measurement given is incorrect; however, the correct unit was provided. |
Both the measurement and the units are given incorrectly in the space provided. |
Unit Specifics _____/4 |
The same unit is used for the entire length of the fish and has a method for indicating partial units if necessary. |
The same unit is used to measure the fish but was not able to indicate how to account for partial units. |
A combination of units are used to measure, but has a method for indicating partial units if necessary. |
A combination of units are used to measure and there was no recognition for the indication of partial units. |
Written Grammar _____/4 (Weight x1) |
A complete sentence is used to explain the thought process of the measurement. The sentence also begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark. |
A complete sentence is used to explain he thought process but the sentence lacks either a capital letter at the beginning or an ending punctuation mark. |
A complete sentence is given but both a capital letter at the beginning and the punctuation mark is missing. |
Response is a one word answer or not a complete sentence missing a capital letter and an ending punctuation mark. |
Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________
Student Score: _________/ 16 points
Scoring Rubric |