Learning Context

Assessment Plan

Student Work



Instructional/ Environmental Modifications 

Time Required




We Give Thanks

Performance Indicators

This learning experience addresses the following performance indicators, as per the New York State Learning Standards:

Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction

Students will read, write, listen and speak for social interaction.

Key Idea 2
Listening and Speaking: Oral communication in formal and informal settings requires the ability to talk with people of different ages, genders, and cultures, to adapt presentations to different audiences, and to reflect on how talk varies in different situations.

Reading and Writing: Written communication for social interaction requires using written messages to establish, maintain, and enhance personal relationships with others.
Performance Indicator
Performance Task
Performance Product
Listening and Speaking:
Listen attentively and recognize when it is appropriate for them to speak
Students listen to a read-a-loud of a story
Listening and Speaking:
Take turns speaking and respond to others’ ideas in conversations of familiar topics
*  Students take turns responding with what they are thankful for in their own lives
*  Each student peer-edits his letter with a friend 
Peer-editing process as observed by the teacher
Peer-editing observation checklist
Reading and Writing: Exchange friendly notes, cards, and letters with friends, relatives, and pen pals to keep in touch and to commemorate special occasions
Students will write a short thank-you note to a family member or friend
Thank-you note
Rubric for written thank-you message

Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding

Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding.

Key Idea 2
Speaking and Writing: Speaking and writing to acquire and transmit information requires asking probing and clarifying questions, interpreting information in one’s own words, applying information from one context to another, and presenting the information and interpretation clearly, concisely, and comprehensibly. 
Performance Indicator
Performance Task
Performance Product
Observe basic writing conventions, such as correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as sentence and paragraph structures appropriate to written forms.
*  Students will revise own thank-you note
*  Students will engage in peer editing process to assist a peer in improving his work
Thank-you note inside a turkey card
Checklist for observation of peer editing process

Updated: Monday, September 25, 2000