_Instructor Score_ _Self Assessment_
Final Learning Experience Checklist
Based on New York State Academy for Teaching and Learning Outline (NYSATL)
Student Name: __Sara A. Barlow_______ Date due: __4/28/09___
Learning Experience Title: ____Crucible Connections___________ Date submitted: _4/28/09_
Instructor’s Score: ___/400 Self-assessment Score: 400/400
Student Comments:
x_ Check if you plan to pick up your LE
__ An electronic copy of LE submitted to instructor on or before the due date (5 pts)
__ A hard copy of LE submitted to the instructor – on or before the due date (5 pts)
Learning Experience Checklist:
__ Completed Final LE Checklist cover sheet (5 pts)
__ Self-assessment score is completed for each section (10 pts)
Learning Experience Template:
__ Completed Learning Experience Template cover sheet – with Final clearly indicated (5 pts)
__ Overall readability/organization of Learning Experience (15 pts)
__ All pages in the body of the LE are numbered using a footer (5 pts)
__ Pages of LE are stapled - Attachments may be clipped (5 pts)
Section Total: __/55Self-assessment Section Total: 55/55
Please use precise language, avoid terms like a few and a couple, and write in the present tense.
Please edit your work! If the LE Outline is not followed points will be subtracted:
• 5 points for each heading in the wrong order
• 10 points for each missing heading
• 1 point can be earned for correct “Writing Mechanics” in each section. However, each grammatical error will result in the loss of one point per error.
Instructor’s Comments:
__ 5_ Statement of purpose/rationale for Learning Experience (5 pts)
__ 5_ Enduring Understanding(s) is/are identified (5 pts)
__ 5_ Essential and Guiding Questions for the students are identified (5 pts)
Congruency Table
__ 5_ States and links table sections across the Congruency Table (5 pts)
__ 10 NYS Standards/Performance Indicators stated and coded verbatim from State documents (10 pts)
__ 5_ Instructional Tasks in student language, mode of instruction identified (i.e. small group) (5 pts)
__ 4_ Learning Objectives measurable/observable (4 pts)
__ 5_ Student Work product or performance title is given (5 pts)
__ 5_ Assessment Tools titles and attributes are stated (5 pts)
__ 5_ Overview of what students needs to know and/or be able to do in order to be successful prior to,
during, and after the implementation of the LE. (5 pts)
Note: Include classroom rules and procedures located in appendices.
__ 5_ Definitions of key subject-specific vocabulary necessary for interpretation/implementation (5 pts)
__ 1_ Writing Mechanics (1 pt)
Section Total: __/60Self-assessment Section Total: 60/60
__ 5_ Explains how a diagnostic (pre-assessment) tool is used to assess students’ prior knowledge (5 pts)
__ 5_ Explains how formative (during learning) and summative assessment (at conclusion of learning)
tools are used (5 pts)
__ 5_ Explains the scoring rubric’s alignment to NYS Standards and Performance Indicators (5 pts)
__ 4_ Explains how Scoring Rubric is used in the context of other semester grades (4 pts)
__ 5_ Addresses student role in the assessment process (5 pts)
Includes a blank scoring rubric used to assess students.
A student friendly rubric/checklist is provided if necessary.
Rubric includes:
__ 1_ Title (1 pt)
__ 1_ Language of Standards/Performance Indicators being assessed (3 pts)
__ 1_ Place for comments (1 pt)
Note: Using consecutive numbers and having an even number of performance levels (4,3,2,1) makes the rubric more valid and reliable.
__ 1_ Writing Mechanics (1 pt)
Section Total: __/30Self-assessment Section Total: 30/30
Note: All student work located in appendix. If the student work is difficult to read/recognize, please retype/redraw the student work and include the actual student sample.
__ 4_ Grade level and general ability of students involved is clearly stated (4 pts)
__ 5_ Includes graphic summary of pre/post class scores (i.e. histogram) with comments (5 pts)
__ 5_ Includes graphic summary displaying levels of student achievement at the Distinguished,
Proficient, and Developing levels (5 pts)
__ 10 States conclusions based on Distinguished, Proficient, and Developing student work (10 pts)
__ 1_ Writing Mechanics (1 pt)
Section Total: __/25Self-assessment Section Total: 25/25
Teacher shows clear evidence of providing the following:
__ 4_ Includes an Anticipatory Set(s) (4 pts)
__ 5_ Includes a diagnostic assessment (5 pts)
Clearly identifies scaffolding phases during the learning:
__ 5_ Modeling (5 pts)
__ 5_ Guided Practice (5 pts)
__ 5_ Independent Practice (5 pts)
__ 5_ Closure (5 pts)
__ 5_ Includes an independent summative assessment - (5 pts)
__ 5_ Explains what the students do individually, and in small or large groups (5 pts)
__ 5_ Addresses how technology is being used (5 pts)
__ 5_ Use student centered language and write in the present tense (5 pts)
__ 1_ Writing Mechanics (1 pt)
Section Total: __/50Self-assessment Section Total: 50/50
__ 2_ Research references are cited (2 pts)
__ 2_ Two web sites and/or two works of (children’s) literature are referenced (2 pts)
__ 3_ List of Notes/ Photos/Blank Handouts used as formative/summative assessments which are located
in the Appendices - Commercially made and S elf M ade T eaching A ids (SMTA) (3 pts)
__ _2 Classroom supplies unique to this LE are listed (2 pts)
__ 1_ Writing Mechanics (1 pt)
Section Total: __/10Self-assessment Section Total: 10/10
__ 5_ Modification table has a title and an introduction (5 pts)
Modification Type: | Specific Modification | Rationale | Benefits |
Environmental/Management | __ 2_ (2 pts) | __ 2_ (2 pts) | __ 2_ (2 pts) |
Instructional | __ 2_ (2 pts) | __ 2_ (2 pts) | __ 2_ (2 pts) |
Material | __ 2_ (2 pts) | __ 2_ (2 pts) | __ 2_ (2 pts) |
Tasks | __ 2_ (2 pts) | __ 2_ (2 pts) | __ 2_ (2 pts) |
__ 1_ Writing Mechanics (1 pt)
Section Total: __/30Self-assessment Section Total: _30/30
Time requirements are addressed for:
__ 4_ Planning (4 pts)
__ 5_ Implementation - including length of classes (5 pts)
__ 4_ Assessment (per student) (4 pts)
__ 6_ Schedule or Unit plan (6 pts)
__ 1_ Writing Mechanics (1 pt)
Section Total: __/20Self-assessment Section Total: 20/20
__ 5_ Why did you develop this Learning Experience? (5 pts)
__ 5_ Did you meet your teaching objectives? (5 pts)
__ 5_ Did the students meet the learning objectives (performance indicators)? (5 pts)
__ 5_ How does this Learning Experience prepare students for life outside of school? (5 pts)
__ 5_ Includes a quote from a student within your cooperating teacher’s classroom (5 pts)
Addresses how your Learning Experience was reviewed by peers
__ 4_ Date / location of your peer review (4 pts)
__ 5_ Identifies the focus question from your peer review (5 pts)
__ 5_ Includes a quote from a peer during the review process (5 pts)
__ 10 Addresses how your LE was modified based on lesson learned (10 pts)
__ 1_ Writing Mechanics (1 pt)
Section Total: __/50Self-assessment Section Total: 50/50
Please use color dividers/tabs between sections
__ 5_ A sample letter home about the experience (5 pts)
__ 5_ Classroom floor plan (5 pts)
__ 5_ Classroom rules and procedures (5 pts)
__ 5_ Copies of Notes/ Photos/Blank Handouts used as formative/summative assessments:
Commercially made and Self Made Teaching Aids (SMTA) (5 pts)
__ 5_ Blank Rubric (5 pts)
__ 5_ Teacher Exemplar of all assessment tools that model the Distinguished level expectation (5 pts)
Student Work Samples
__ 30 Submit samples of student work representing each of the following levels of accomplishment:
Distinguished, Proficient, and Developing Separate levels with dividers/tabs. (30 pts)
a. Names removed – at least last names
b. Each level of student work is clearly labeled
c. Includes a scored rubric with comments for each student
d. Includes teacher comments/corrections on student work. If the student work is difficult to read/recognize, please retype/redraw the work and attach to the actual student sample.
__ 5_ Peer review comments (5 pts)
__ 5_ Learning Experience power – Power Rubric attached and completed (5 pts)
Section Total: __/70Self-assessment Section Total: _70/70
Teacher choice, no points are deducted for not including the following:
- Comments to Instructor
- Design Tools:
• LE Performance Indicator Vocabulary List
• Lesson Sketch
• Teaching/Learning Matrix
Notes: Your instructor will not analytically score your learning experience if you have not completed your self-evaluation. I will make comments and holistically score your learning experience.
At the instructor’s discretion, your mid-term learning experience score (out of 200 points) maybe replaced with half of your final learning experience score (out of 400 points). This will only be considered when your percentage score on the final is higher than the percentage score on your mid-term learning experience. That is to say, the instructor will only implement this grading option to increase your final score. The instructor will only consider this assessment modification if the student has participated in the mid-term peer review process (all aspects) and submitted a learning experience at the mid-term.
June 2, 2009
Template © Jeff Arnold & Jane Ross